Experience Chess like never before with Chessy.Chessy isn't just an AI - he's your new interactive, speaking Chess Coach and playing partner.
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Chat with Chessy
Don't feel like playing but still want to improve?Chat with Chessy about your online Chess account - you'll be surprised how much he knows about you.
Chat with Chessy!
Real-time AI feedback
Chessvia's AI algorithms analyze your move the second you make it!Chessy's dynamic responses shed insights into your play immediately - not just after the game.
Experience it now!
Customize Chessy
Make Chessy truly yours.Change Chessy's personality, voice and play style and design your idea Chess learning studio.
Make Chessy yours
Multi-modal Coaching
Chess learning has never been this fun!Interact with Chessy through voice, text, images, or even links to your favorite videos.
Experience chess coaching
Chessy Learns with You
Chessy learns and grows with you the more you play.Your new coach will remember previous games and hone in on the areas that you can improve.